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by Chris Sorrenti

I’m dying
not today
nor tomorrow
or even next week maybe
next year or the year after that

But it’s coming
I can feel it in my body
with stiff mornings
and when the sun sets
that living Rigor mortis
sets in

But I lived my life
warts and all
the way I wanted to
evolved and corrected
the sins of my youth
along the way

Lucky to have been
a free man
with lots of second chances
when so many in this world
aren’t as fortunate

Sick of the cruelty and violence
of man against man
and maybe that’s the whole point
despite the beauty
after so many years on this planet
with all its BS
one is quite happy to
as the saying goes
get out of Dodge

I’m dying
put a lot of wear and tear on this body
over the years
no complaints
only shock at how quickly it’s deteriorated
and how gradually it
continues to fall apart

I’m dying
but part of me no longer cares
knowing instinctively
it means I’m that much closer
to being reborn
that much closer to Heaven

Life should not be a journey - Hunter S. Thompson RED50

© 2024

320 hits as of August 2024


Author's Note: For myself and others going through similar circumstances.

Posted on 06/13/2024
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

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