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Mirage V

by Chris Sorrenti

1-Mirage 5 f

One of the few models I built over the years, and still have, relatively intact (just the pitot tube on the nose broken off), is ESCI’s 1/48 scale Dassault Mirage V or 5.

2-Mirage 5 c - August 21, 2014 RED50

A French supersonic fighter, also exported to other countries, some of which made various modifications to improve performance.

3-Mirage 5 c4 - August 21, 2014 RED5050

The model was built sometime in the early 90s, in what’s known in modeller’s lingo as Straight Out of Box (SOB). That is little if any modifications are made, and the decals and paint scheme provided are used. In my case, a Mirage V flown by the Belgian Air Force.

4-Mirage 5 d cockpit view RED5050

This presentation caused a bit of controversy at one of my scale model groups on Facebook. A couple of Belgians said that the colors weren’t authentic. I thought I was painting the right ones, especially as per the box art, however admittedly have been known to use a little artistic licence, if one or more colors aren’t readily available at my favorite hobby store.

5-Mirage 5 e cockpit view CROP RED50

Finally, another ESCI 1/48 scale, and the last model I built in 1998, before shelving the hobby. A Soviet MiG-23 Flogger, and those are the authentic colors:


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Posted on 06/12/2024
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

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