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Show & Tell

by Chris Sorrenti

looks like Show & Tell is over
grown up boys and girls
seems no one wants to play anymore
if they ever did at all

while a few friends still come and go
in waves of good bye
tides of hello
then evaporate again into the ether

until that next grand hurrah
when Life isn’t getting in the way
its nose bent out of shape
from being ignored

but then without Life
there would be no Tell or Show
for bored poets to write about
and proclaim

give us the funny stuff
shouts the silent majority
hit us in the head
with those clever memes

that way we can forget the
drudgery of our own lives
and horror that exists
just outside the front door

until Show & Tell is over and
once more we’re back
into our rabbit holes
we grown up girls and boys

© 2024

160 hits as of August 2024


Posted on 06/11/2024
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

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