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Alright...Who Peed In The Pool?

by Chris Sorrenti

Alright Who Peed in the Pool - good

Ahhh...the proverbial question, that eventually surfaces around any swimming pool, public or private. And with summer fast approaching, no better time to broach the subject.

Even more interesting, is how unintentionally rhetorical the question becomes, when examined closer.

If one looks at the above poster, the question then becomes: Is it the Creature from the Black Lagoon asking the question? Assuming the monster (if it really is a monster) can speak English. The fact that its mouth is open adds credence to this possibility. Or like other fish, their mouths open most of the time, without saying anything intelligent.

On the other hand, is it a human asking the question? Upon witnessing the creature rising from the pool, coming to the swift conclusion that by urine contamination mixing with various organic and chemical compounds, despite chlorination, a cryptid species has arisen, grown and mutated into what we see before us in the picture.

Important things to ponder over coffee and baguette, on a Saturday afternoon.

Creature from the Black Lagoon RED50

© 2024
Top poster courtesy of eBay
Bottom, Creature From the Black Lagoon, courtesy of Universal Monster Fans group, Facebook

260 hits as of July 2024


Posted on 05/18/2024
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

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