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Out to the Curb

by Chris Sorrenti

Chris looks wild and wooly
with his hair in the air
harkening back to younger days
but the grey in the beard is
a dead giveaway

Out to the curb
immediately after pickup
to rescue the family bins
from any and all
who might steal them

Laugh if you like
I certainly do
but after thirty plus years
this neighborhood
has seen everything

Chris doing his part
to save the environment
though only a small percentage
actually gets recycled
the rest ending up in the ground

Oh well
what can you do
when you live in a shoe?
just another exciting day here
at Woodlawn Place

Have a great day yerselves y’all!

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180 hits as of July 2024


Posted on 05/02/2024
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

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