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Talk To the Chin

by Chris Sorrenti

Dudley Do-Right

Apart from civil servant bashing
at the beginning of his term
of which I was one at the time
supposedly one of this country’s
better Prime Ministers
of which I will concur

Canada’s 18th
the not so little guy
from Baie Comeau, Quebec
with the Dudley Do-Right chin
fluently bilingual
and a lawyer/businessman
no less

The father of Free Trade
had his Meech Lake Accord unratified
and who could forget
the much-hated GST?
brought in by this
battler of South African apartheid

But compared to some others
such as the bum patting John Turner
this new kid on the block
was able to put those dastardly Liberals
back in their empty boxes

What else can one say on a single page?
except in closing
if any of this should still be unclear
when you get to Heaven
just tell Brian Mulroney that
poet Chris Sorrenti said
talk to the chin

and what a beautiful chin it was and still is

Brian Mulroney courtesy of Wikipedia RED50

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Author's Note: A light political piece, with a touch of humor, in honor of Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, RIP 1939-2024. GST = Goods & Services Tax.

Posted on 03/09/2024
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

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