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The Periods In-between III

by Chris Sorrenti

After a short spurt of new poems, all the product of automatic writing (the proverbial muse giving dictation), a quiet time settles in. It can last for hours or even days; there’s no rhyme or reason, it just happens that way.

Allowing one to take stock, focus on other things. And just as everyone else, over the course of time, meditate on what’s happening in and around them. The experienced poet no longer worries when the next poem(s) will come, because they always do.

Sooner or later, all the images gathered from various sources, mix and melt together, eventually gel into something, and the proverbial lightbulb goes on or off above the head, depending on how one looks at it.

Words and then lines begin to form, and when they do, then it’s time to drop everything else, and hit the keyboard again.

And as the saying goes, "Beware still waters that run deep."

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230 hits as of May 2024


Author's Note: Further refinement in expressing a concept. The first poem appears in Dribs & Drabs, and the second, Tomorrow Is Another Day.

Posted on 02/13/2024
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

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