

by Richard Vince

Did the woodland welcome you
Like an old friend, secret paths
Opening like an embrace?

You spread your arms, stretch
Fingers like branches to touch
The sweet air that caresses
Leaves as they colour the sunlight
That makes everything live.

From crunch to mulch to
New life to plenty, then
Repeat the cycle:
These are your seasons now
As the colours of your life
Return to the earth just
As you knew they would.


Posted on 11/11/2023
Copyright © 2024 Richard Vince

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Johanna May on 11/13/23 at 03:22 AM

Some of my favourite poetry are the ones I experience with all my senses. The last stanza: the graceful brutal immortality of human life, beautiful.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 11/14/23 at 03:19 AM

"From crunch to mulch to New life to plenty" Especially enjoyed these lines.

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