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September Visitor - Human Adoption in Progress

by Chris Sorrenti

Stray Cat September 2023 by Jason Sorrenti b2 RED5050

It’s not unusual to have stray cats come into our (small) back yard, without even coaxing them. I guess 15 years of cat energy, residual and intelligent, will do that. They can sense a safe haven, temporary as it may be these days.

Though it’s fenced off, they still manage to climb over or slip underneath, some just curious, though there are no other cats to see here anymore, while others looking for handouts and shelter, especially when the cooler weather begins to set in.

Today was no exception, and though the cat in question (a female about 1yr old), one I’d never seen before, made a brief appearance two days ago, her return was a reassuring sign.

As synchronicity would have it, I had opened a can of salmon for my own supper, earlier, and so put a nice helping of it into a small dish, then out on the back step, which she quickly gobbled up, while my son, Jason, took pictures, and a short video.

Officially, my catting days are over, surrendering my last one, a Calico, to the Humane Society, last December. Was getting too expensive, with inflation, and as I was the only one willing to clean the litter box, was proving too much, physically, while on the waiting list for a knee replacement, which finally took place this past July.

I’ve learned not to let strays into the house, for fear of them wanting to extend their visit, but as I love them all, still like to do my part to help, whenever one drops by for a visit.

The Cat Man of South Keys
September 15th, 2023

© 2023 Chris and Jason Sorrenti

380 hits as of May 2024


Posted on 09/16/2023
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

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