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Out of the Bag

by Chris Sorrenti

Almost embarrassed to admit it
but I got excited today over a plastic bag
what was in the bag
has no importance to the story
except to say it was much smaller
than was really needed

The bag itself is what’s at
the heart of the matter
stopped into the $ store
and I was flabbergasted
when the cashier asked me
I wanted a bag

They’re becoming a rarity
don’t you know?
soon we won’t be able to find them anywhere
great for small garbage pails
around the house
food composting
(since the City started accepting them)
and cat litter
which thankfully
I no longer have to worry about
wondering how dog walkers
will adapt to the new situation

There’s still Kitchen Catchers
although you have to be a boy scout
or sailor to tie them properly

even Shake n’ Bake
no longer provides the little clear pouches
to mix the ingredients
thank goodness for freezer bags
though I wonder how long they’ll last

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Posted on 01/15/2023
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

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