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Black Dog

by Chris Sorrenti

Winston Churchill’s black dog
has found me
have my suspicions
as to how it got in
no amount of Scotch can cure

Only dogged determination
can put this Humpty Dumpty
back together again
always the kind to get something important
as soon as possible out of the way
I am in ophthalmologist limbo

2.5 months waiting for a phone call
that never comes
two weeks ago the receptionist said
shouldn’t take any longer

Another phone call then
at the end of the week
meanwhile the black dog is easily entertained
fed with kibbles for the soul
though I fear its howling at all hours of the night
may rouse the neighbors

© 2022

380 hits as of May 2024


Posted on 06/02/2022
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Linda Fuller on 06/08/22 at 06:41 PM

I'm afraid Scotch can exacerbate that hound. Love how you finished this. I hope things improve soon.

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