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Different House / New Dream

by Chris Sorrenti

A split level
No idea where it was
What it looked like from the outside
But there I was
Invited into
But not invited to
As if seen via remote viewing
So felt an intruder

I knew other people were there
But so far couldn’t locate them
Climbing the first set of stairs
There was a woman
Face vaguely familiar
Sleeping on a couch
Under a blanket
In what looked like the living room

Felt it would be wrong to wake her
So walked to the next set
And proceeded to ascend
Only to find myself awake in my bed
Both relieved and disappointed
To be out of there

Realizing only afterwards
You were present too
Everywhere and nowhere
In a matter of not speaking
Inviting me in
Having watched the whole thing
Through remote viewing

© 2022

230 hits as of October 2024


Posted on 05/29/2022
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

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