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by Chris Sorrenti

Been almost a year
Since you had to leave
With barely a chance to say goodbye
You were my anchor
In more ways than one
Lover teacher confidant soulmate
And now I wander
Sometimes with purpose
Other times aimlessly
As I always have
The journey a little more difficult
On this new kind of anniversary
With heartache and happiness
Come the seventh October
I will think of you fondly
Let my mind and soul fly
As we once did together
In a not so distant past

© 2021

530 hits as of July 2024


Posted on 09/06/2021
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Jeffrey Parren on 09/07/21 at 03:33 PM

I've always thought there should be a word that replaces "anniversary" when referring to something painful in life. Sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing with us.

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