Eye Drops by Chris Sorrenti
The trip home
is always way more fun
than the one down
People’s heads look twice as large
faces - a humorously grotesque
mixture of shapes and colors
made all the more
indistinguishable / surreal
with face masks
like something out of
an old Vincent Price movie
And that’s not including
every source of illumination
especially car headlights
transformed into incandescent stars
Trying to read buses
and bus stop numbers
only adds more mystery to the adventure
but this time I am rescued
the taxi driver who drove me down
He offers me a trip back home
at half the price
so we work out a deal
I can’t refuse
a $20. bill instead of credit card
and with both parties satisfied
hands me his business card
saying anytime I needed a lift
give him a call
Even better
the good news is that
I don’t have to get stronger lens
vision too far gone
instead something a little stronger
more permanent
cataract surgery
though with the hospitals still in crisis mode
when it will get done is anyone’s guess
so for now I’m in the cue
My BFF Joe wore glasses
as far back as I can remember
high school days
had his own operations
a few years back
and hasn’t worn anything
over his eyes since
© 2021
560 hits as of August 2024
05/27/2021 Posted on 05/27/2021 Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti