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Paint Shop Pro 7 (PSP7)

by Chris Sorrenti

PSP7 is an older photo editing program, I purchased in 1998. There have been progressive updated versions since then. I really don’t need fancier features for what I’m doing, and version 7 nicely satisfies my requirements, with some features I’ve barely scratched the surface on. It’s always fun to experiment with what it can do.

One of the things I really like about PSP7 is its continuing compatibility with newer generations of computers. My current HP desktop, with Windows 10, was bought (online) in 2016, and I had no problems loading my 1998 photo program onto it.

Having made the transition to Digital SLR in 2010, I still had a number of rolls of 35mm film yet to be developed. As prints just seemed to be taking up more and more space in my small house, I decided then a couple of years later to have my remaining film developed only as digital files. At that point I was down to only 7 rolls, and so to finish the job, I got all 7 developed at the same time. Despite knowing that some of them were beyond their best before date, I instructed the store to develop them as is, with no touching up. Most of the photos turned out OK, but one roll in particular stood out. The photos clearly showed their age by decolorization, so I put PSP7 to work, to change and enhance the colors.

Taken at my sister and brother-in-law’s trailer camp/beach sometime in the mid-2000s, the following set of photos show the results:

As developed (note the decolorization):


1st enhancement:


2nd enhancement:


Parting shot, zoomed in and cropped:


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Posted on 05/06/2021
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

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