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My Facebook

by Chris Sorrenti

I see my wall
As kind of an e-zine
An eclectic combination
Things of interest
And imagine will interest others

History Poetry Humor Medicine
Science Geography Nature
Music of every kind
My own mixed with others
From around the world

The past present and future
In multiple glances
My mind is stimulated by many things
In many ways

My friends and I
We have electronic parties
Reach out to one another
Across the Web
Feeding one another positive energy
And there’s nothing wrong with that

© 2021

640 hits as of August 2024


Posted on 03/27/2021
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Joan Serratelli on 03/28/21 at 10:55 PM

I have a love/ hate relation with FB= it's kinda like a irresitable computer virus- like Walmart- EVERYONE shops there, but no-one admits it. like always- good read-

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