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Don't go to Canada

by Chris Sorrenti

Don’t go!

In honor of Canada’s 153rd birthday, which will be very different this year.

This video brought tears to my eyes the first time I saw it.

At first, I didn’t know what the title meant. Don’t go to Canada? My first thought was a public service announcement to tourists not to come here, as the borders are still closed.

As I watched the video progress, I soon realized the pure genius of what the title meant...another example of Reverse Psychology used to maximum effect...probably pre-pandemic. The scenery is breathtaking, message powerful, musical score building to crescendo. I won’t spoil the ending...watch the whole thing. No spoiler alert either for the surprise closing message.

© July 1, 2020

950 hits as of June 2024


Posted on 07/01/2020
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

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