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Into the Mouth of Madness

by Chris Sorrenti

I will once again be thrust
into the mouth of madness
where the files, phone, e-mails
counter calls for assistance
await me with baited breath

Am I insane?
to jump back into the frying pan
of my own free will
after such a restful three weeks

Gone will be the afternoon siestas
and not having to live according
to someone else’s schedule...priorities

Gone for another year
the escape to rural environs
just far enough away
from sirens
blast of others’ choices of music
midnight motorcycle engines
for contemplative campfires
sojourns with meadow
beach and river

Gone are the days
in the federal government
when permanent employees
on vacation were replaced
by Summer students, temporary help
those of us already doing the work
of two or three
left to battle the endless onslaught
of paper and electronics

I will wrestle once again at 10PMs
with bread & margarine
peanut butter and mustard spills
expiry dates of deli meats
bananas gone bad
for the same dreary trip downtown
day...after day...after day

But there’ll be supper on the table
rent and bills will be paid

I will wade into
deliver myself once again
of my own free will
into the mouth of madness

© 2003
Revised © 2019

730 hits as of June 2024


Posted on 09/01/2019
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

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