

by Richard Vince

Some days, I long to be a melody
Composed entirely of grace notes;
The style without the substance,
Lighter than mist, passing through
The solid world by being
Always both sides of every wall.

Some days, I long to be the spaces
Between the grains of sand,
Defined entirely by what I am not,
The essential but overlooked part
Of every beach; the nothing
That makes sense of everything.

Some days, I long to be a night breeze;
The urgency that makes physics
Seem alive, that animates the
Inanimate; the romantic name
We confer on nocturnal convection
As it keeps us from feeling alone.


Posted on 02/13/2019
Copyright © 2024 Richard Vince

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 02/15/19 at 03:40 AM

Wonderful flow, taking me to places and spaces I had not thought to occupy. A fine piece and structure. Thank you.

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