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by Chris Sorrenti

if someone built a website
and nobody came?

not a person visited
except maybe an occasional friend
or curious stranger stumbled in from Google
the counter and guestbook
forever hovering just above zero
its creator’s e-mail inbox remaining empty
as the months went by


if somebody constructed dozens of digital pages
and no one saw them?

despite myriad hours spent
tediously assembling texts and images
related backgrounds and colors
amounting to 30+ megs
celebrating diversity
the centralization of decentralization
of the light and darkness of the collective human mind
surrounding nature…universe
and still growing
still growing


you had to find the answers to the meaning of life?
all in one place
confirmation of your own existence
though at times it seemed
you too were the only man or woman on the planet


if this place still existed
that you could find it right now
find it right here


© 2004
Revised © 2018

 photo Chris Place Spash Cropped for poem Imagine.jpg

1,000 hits as of June 2024


Author's Note: A promo poem I put together a few years back for my personal website. The last word in the last stanza, here, was actually a hyperlink to the site. My ISP, Rogers, provided free web space up until 2009, at which point I had dozens of pages of poetry and photography up on the Net. Rogers then paired up with Yahoo, and web space, free or otherwise was no longer offered. Some of the pages...poems and photos are still floating around in cyber space, even though the ISP was supposed to have deleted all the files. I still have all the files, in case I should ever decide to start a new site. If Pathetic.org were to shut down, a possibility I would definitely have to consider.

Posted on 11/15/2018
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

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