Daddy by Anne Di Baguette
Months flash and fade
A few photos mark the dates
I often think of you
How in your stubborn pride
You’d make us wait
Years between phone calls
Then show up and expect everyone to stand and applaud
In your arrogant distain
You’d wonder where you went wrong
With us, why we had such disregard
For you and all your sage advice
Sitting in trucker café’s with coffee for hours
Upon hours watching you listen
To yourself talk about yourself
And then the promises
Always promises
Promises, dreams and blame
Oh daddy
Your life is an illusion
But you’re still making me pay for it
With mine
11/20/2002 Posted on 12/01/2017 Copyright © 2025 Anne Di Baguette
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by George Hoerner on 12/01/17 at 09:22 PM I'm sorry if this is how you feel! My mother left when I was only six or seven. I only saw her at most six or seven times before she died in her 80's and the last she did not know who I was. I did survive and am ok at least with in reason. I haven't killed anyone yet!! Take care. |
Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 08/28/18 at 11:20 AM Anne, congratulations on POTD. Your poem is just wonderfull and touchingly bittersweet. |