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As Close As As Far

by Chris Sorrenti

Although still near as a cat’s meow
You are more distance now
A golden plume of smoke on the horizon
A blip on the radar screen
Flickering in and out
And though I take some comfort
In all of this and that
I can’t help but still shine
When you’re across the room

Distance though does have its rewards
Some things sometimes better understood
From the outside
Take your time advises the Sun god
And penance
In that every piece of obsidian
At birth also knew fire
Preserve the memory of griffins paired
Forever young in their ‘esprit de connaissance’
For the future is an ambivalent animal
Known to change its tail and tales

© 2004
Revised © 2017

970 hits as of July 2024


Posted on 11/02/2017
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

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