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Fun with Numerology

by Chris Sorrenti

60 = 30 x 2

30 = 15 x 2

15 = 3 x 5

3 + 5 = 8

60 therefore = 8 8 8 8

8 8 8 8 therefore = Lemniscate (or infinity) x 4

© 2017

980 hits as of July 2024


Author's Note: I turn 60 on 30/10 or 10/30 if you’re an American.

Posted on 10/11/2017
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Steven Craig on 10/13/17 at 12:34 AM

Few can taste the insanity of math from such a short distance and not become a poet...

Posted by Paganini Jones on 10/14/17 at 11:53 PM

This makes me immediately think of the basic scalextric track beloved by small boys & their dads, and their shrieks when eventually they inevitably crash in the middle. May becoming a sexagenarian give you infinite joy :)

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