Just What I Don't Need by Philip F De Pinto
Just what I don't need
in my life or out.
More of someone's shit
which doesn't stink.
And the Dear John
written in too invisible ink,
to make one miserable if read.
And still,
the tramp about the world
could have saved herself
the cost of a stamp
and the trouble to write
and painstakingly pick my life apart
by uninviting me from her life,
given, I can't read a lick,
given, I am illiterate as a fence,
all the while possessing a keen olfactory sense
and keener sense of taste.
As you can glean, if you can read,
I have inhaled more shit
that professed not to stink,
and eaten it on more occasions
than I care to mention.
03/01/2017 Posted on 03/01/2017 Copyright © 2025 Philip F De Pinto
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Nadia Gilbert Kent on 08/16/23 at 07:46 PM This is great and it's weird it went without comment, so I am leaving one. The writing seems to be channeling the movement of a small sparrow anaylizing and combing the ground of crumbs, as well as the searing sensation of concrete that is hot enough to fry eggs. |