East by Richard VinceThe eastern sky looks like spring,
Even though it silhouettes
The bare trees of winter.
This is my favourite direction
In which to begin an adventure:
The shortest route from close
Red brick horizons to the vast
Expanses of countryside I often
Forget are there.
This country hides so many secrets
In plain sight that there are
Always treasures to be found.
All that is needed to conceal them
Is the tendency of humans to constrain
Their worlds, to keep to well trodden
Paths, to expect to find nothing.
The need to visit new places, and
The desire to turn every stone and
Understand why it is there,
Have been parts of me since
There has been a me to be parts of.
What I seek is the ordinary, because,
To me, nothing is ordinary.
There is wonder everywhere:
All we need to see it
Are open eyes and open hearts.
01/14/2017 Posted on 01/28/2017 Copyright © 2025 Richard Vince