

by Leonard M Hawkes

If ever they were blinded
By the light,
Deafened by the strains
Of freedom’s song,
Spoiled by the affluence
Of law,
Gnawing the very hand
From which they feed.

Too precise, too clear
This trump now sounds,
Desired hope?
The very chance of change?
And some would march
At signal from the chief—
But, truth remains elusive,
Proof insecure.


Author's Note: Listening to the news . . . .

Posted on 01/21/2017
Copyright © 2024 Leonard M Hawkes

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 01/21/17 at 08:02 PM

Excellent, timely capture Len. Hopefully listen to the real and not fake news.

Posted by George Hoerner on 01/22/17 at 07:20 PM

We've heard Trump's trumpet. Now let us see where it takes us! I like the timely write!

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