Restless, Reckless, Lost by Amy WustrinR acing my own thoughts, I can't abide this
E xcruciating pace and relentless momentum
S top. Please. Just for a moment.
T ell me something good about myself
L et me catch my breath
E ven the air is so thin you can see right through it
S ome people collect thoughts
S ell mine to the highest bidder
R oll them up in a joint and burn them
E ven my disobedience is
C ivil in its audacity
K ick them out of bed
L et them spend the night on the couch
E ven if they apologize profusely
S orry not sorry, not as
S orry as I am (not)
L et me live and love and laugh
O utside this crowded fortress
S end me to the dark side of the moon
T o catch a better view of Neverland 01/18/2017 Posted on 01/18/2017 Copyright © 2025 Amy Wustrin