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From Riches to Rags

by Chris Sorrenti

 photo saddam1_zpssvgyeevh.jpg

gone are the tailored suits
limousine motorcades
the throng that once
chanted his name
in adoration
to mask their fear
now dispersed
to rebuild

in ruin the palaces
where he once held court
this self-crowned king
though most of the world
saw him only as jester
along with the monuments
built to himself
the ultimate narcissist

the confident smile
look of satisfaction
when he first seized power
read out the names
of his political opponents
to be led away at gunpoint
never seen again

who is this disheveled
tired looking old man
littering our TV screens?
if not for the reputation
almost pitiable

 photo sadamhussein_zps8tw2aswq.jpg

© 2003
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Posted on 01/17/2017
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

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