#LetGaryDebate by Amy WustrinIt's election season
Let the games begin!
Allow me to bitch
About the deep shit we're in
I will bitch about Trump
And those Clintons I hate
I will bitch about not
Letting Gary debate
I will bitch when elections
Are rigged from the start
I will bitch till I wring it all
Dry from my heart
I will bitch about these
Till I'm blue in the face
Because voting third party
Is never a waste
Voting third party is
What you must do
When your own party's members
Don't represent you
If you don't condone
Things like theft or deceit
Then why would you put them
In your nation's highest seat?
When you cast that ballot
It's never "against"
There's a list of your options
And choosing one is saying "Yes"
If you hate them both
But you vote for one anyway
You'll be the one
With no right to complain
1 million signatures,
We might not be right,
But we won't give up
On a worthwhile fight
So don't cry to me
When your grandkids are debtors
Because you were afraid
To vote for something better
09/30/2016 Posted on 09/30/2016 Copyright © 2025 Amy Wustrin