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Exhibitionists & Voyeurs

by Chris Sorrenti

Who are we?
But exhibitionists and voyeurs
Writing and talking about things
Seems we have no control over
And yet every page we read
Makes us steadily wiser
Rich in spiritual energy
Each piece of ourselves we bleed
Into the matrix
Makes us ever more whole

Like an invisible shield
That energy protects us
Our auras radiate and vibrate
To a kind of marching band
Moving us forward
Baby steps, ever baby steps
As exhibitionists and voyeurs
Who learn and teach

That exhibitionism and voyeurism
Don’t have to be bad things
The written kind, the literary kind
The best kinds
Whether in a poem, short story
Or novel
Though for the majority
Straight conversation
Is where you’ll see
And reveal the most

© 2003
Revised © 2016

1,070 hits as of June 2024


Posted on 08/26/2016
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

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