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Cats & Doggies

by Chris Sorrenti

beer commercials

you can't have a good time without beer commercials!
don't forget the music and chips
never mind the hangovers
waiting on the beaches
with raging hard-ons and throbbing pussies...

cats & doggies

woof woof
come back to my place after the game
and I'll show you my silver bullet
but don't get catty on me

and don't you piss on me
or I'll scratch your eyes out

his penis is bigger than his brain
but that's the way she likes her bacon & eggs
under easy
or maybe we should call him lucky?
nothing like a cold one eh lucky?
after poking your bratwurst
into the nearest fax machine...

here's news:

cats & doggies are sleeping together
and have been for some time now


sexually frustrated recovering alcoholic
is addicted to prime time television

© 1991

980 hits as of May 2024


Posted on 08/05/2016
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

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