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She Devils

by Chris Sorrenti

They hunt the Internet
Stalking their prey
Weak lonely men
On Facebook
You just won a million
In the Mark Zuckerberg lottery
IRS approved of course
Just send $200.
To cover handling/banking fees

Or asking straight out for money
After an all too quick schmooze
About time zones and geography
“How many cars and houses do you own?”
But no interest in the real me

Pretty 20 and 30 Somethings
There’s always a photo
Originally from the States
But living/schooling/working abroad
Usually Africa or the Far East
Never nearby
But check out their wall
Nothing but dead space
Between those dirty little ears

They don’t care if you’re married
How many kids you have
It’s all about that cold hard cash
Feed Me! Seymour Feed Me!

Well be careful
Boys will be boys
What the snake didn’t tell you is
Eve’s apple isn’t always
As sweet as it appears
There’s a worm waiting
To meet and greet you
In that sour fruit’s core

And one final note
That She could very well
Turn out be a He

© 2016

960 hits as of April 2024


Posted on 07/29/2016
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

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