Just Some Thoughts by Chris Sorrenti
Brampton, ON. (or any town Canada/USA)
Yellow tape aftermath of a fatal shooting last night at a local strip mall.
Tragic, and yet there's so much of it these day...we become desensitized to a degree, and therein lies the greater tragedy.
I Need Something That’s More Than Coffee But Less Than Cocaine
It's called Marijuana...and like alcohol...I don't recommend driving while under its influence.
For Orlando - When Words Are Not Enough
Fly the flag of the downtrodden to show your support.
I really have nothing against them.
It's just the idea of looking at the same picture(s) on my body, day in and day out,
doesn't appeal to me.
Never have we been more connected to others...while at the same time left so alone.
Donald Trump vs. Justin Trudeau
Written in response to a comment by Ken Harnisch on a posting of mine
Trump is not my hero. He's just another man with faults and weaknesses, reminding me of Bill Clinton's weakness for women.
I believe deep down inside, Trump means the best for his country in terms of 'illegal' immigration. I am keeping an open mind, hoping he too will evolve, especially when it comes to his thin skin, impetuousness in reacting to criticism and skewing facts.
Trudeau too is just a man, with his own set of faults and weaknesses, and like Trump, I am trying to keep an open mind about him. Personally, I'm still not convinced that ‘man made’ Climate Change is as real or damaging as some say it is; sea levels have yet to rise to the point of drowning the world's coastal cities as some have predicted. In this regard, I am pro Trump, anti Trudeau. The balance between environment/economy is a delicate one, with Trudeau and Trump at opposite ends of that spectrum.
For me, it's a waiting game...time will tell as to how all this will work out.
Has an energy all its own, influencing those who wear it.
On Youth and Beauty
Oh to be young and beautiful again, but then wisdom has a beauty all its own.
On Perfection
Although a perfectionist when it comes to my writing,
when it comes to people, there are qualities I look for,
but perfection isn’t among them.
The U.S. Not Defending Canada?
Despite what has recently been stated by some in the USA, I doubt the Americans would allow an errant (nuclear tipped) missile to hit any part of Canada. The radiation would spread across the continent, contaminating parts of the U.S. as well.
Another comment from same Facebook string:
Karen Robinson-Chaffee: It is beyond my comprehension that the US would EVER not defend our dear neighbor, Canada!!
Posted by Kristina Woodhill (Pathetic.org) on 09/20/17 at 06:20 PM:
EEk! Well, this should garner some discussion. As an American I can assure you of my support and do not believe the ravings of one uninformed, inept man will undo the American Canadian relationship that we to your south value.
Research Proving Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells Safely Has Been Suppressed Since 1974
I've been smoking off and on since age 17 (now 60), and look forward to when edibles will be available as opposed to inhaling.
While doing my 35 years in the government, strictly a night-time and weekend thing; never smoked on the job, and it did not affect my ability to do my work.
Great for Depression and ADHD also.
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1,180 hits as of October 2024
05/16/2016 Author's Note: Inspired by postings on Facebook.
Posted on 05/16/2016 Copyright © 2025 Chris Sorrenti