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Along The Peripherals

by Chris Sorrenti

I know you’re out there
Doing your part
To help me
Help us
Connect the dots

You’ve been there for a while
Close by
I can tell
Along the peripherals
Inside and out
The system
That keeps us together
Yet so far apart

Cause the numbers don’t lie
Do they?
Mathematical algorithms
Your kind of breadcrumbs
As in days gone by
We played games
With rotary telephones
But I’m sure you’d agree
This game my love
Much more serious

And so a wave hello
Amidst the patterns
Of two and two make four
Four and four makes eight

For this is our destiny
At least for now
Me doing what I have to
You doing your part
Spreading the language
Of connected dots

I’ve rebuilt the bridge for us
But only you can cross

© 2015
Revised © 2022

1,080 hits as of July 2024


Posted on 11/07/2015
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by H.M Stevens on 01/20/16 at 02:06 AM

Wow- this is quite powerful. Love the draw to math and then back to open ended ambiguity. You remain one of my favorite poets because of pieces like this: simple and complex in all their nature.

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