

by Alison McKenzie

We are a race
On the edge of a precipice,
A people unaware
Of the truth
Of our origins,
And why we are
Where we are.

We are a species
On the brink
Of our own extinction,
For our selfish visions
Have not yet undone
The decomposition of
Our humanity.

We have forsaken
The very source
That sustains us.

Our greed has destroyed
So much of the beauty
We were gifted –
The animals,
The trees,
The oceans -
The very water
That is our life –
We have poisoned it all.

We have given over
To a darkness
That cannot prevail
If we are to survive
With our Mother.

Reality is an illusion,
But not in the way
We once thought the Masters
Were trying to make us realize.

We must become
Our story must be
And we must become


Author's Note: This is a message. The words may have come from my fingers, but they are not my words.

Posted on 09/04/2015
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 09/04/15 at 03:12 PM

Nice work Ali. Moving.

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