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B-2 Lover

by Chris Sorrenti

Stealthily I glide above you
My fingers always on the bomb bay trigger

And though you can't see me for the way I feel
My technology allows me to understand

Fear not lost lovely
These bombs are not for you

But for anyone
Who would dare to harm you

 photo b2bankmRED_zps3gb8rjym.jpg

© 1991
Revised © 2015 (last couplet added)
Photo courtesy of the Net

1,320 hits as of July 2024


Author's Note: An earlier incarnation of this poem was published in the chap booklet, Pillow Poems, Chris Sorrenti. Produced by Otto Graser, Arlington Books, Ottawa, Canada (1997). ISSN 0835-362X.

Posted on 08/08/2015
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

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