
Exposing My Soles

by Alison McKenzie

Though I do have my own words,
They appear to be locked away,
As if sharing them
Might jinx your arrival.

You see,
Unlike your claims,
I continue to have feelings about her,
About the pain she is feeling
Now that you've come back to me,
As if reveling in the joy
Of our reunion
Has become a twisted salt
In her wounds,
A sorely unpleasant misfortune,
Even though you say
You did not ignite her
By giving her false hope -
It bleeds me,
And she is burning.

I do wish to focus only on us,
But even if I had never
Caught her wincing,
Her sorrow and bitterness bear down,
An unwieldy cloak that
Resists shrugging.

Yes, I have my own words
About your journey back to me,
And I will love you despite
The past you planted
On our path.

But you'll have to get past
This mantle
Born of the seeds you scattered
In her garden,
The mangled, thorny thistles
Piercing my bare feet.


Posted on 07/29/2015
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 07/30/15 at 10:53 AM

Not sure who is who here Ali, but a beautiful 'from the heart' expression. I especially like these lines: Yes, I have my own words About your journey back to me, And I will love you despite The past you planted On our path.

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 07/31/15 at 03:25 PM

Congratulation Ali on POTD!

Posted by Ken Harnisch on 08/03/15 at 07:20 PM

Wow...you show your great heart in caring for the "other woman", Alison, the one he left behind to return to you. Superb writing that manifests a care and concern for the human condition so seldom seen and so badly sought.

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