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From Past to Future Legend

by Chris Sorrenti

 photo ParlimntcanalbyChrisSorrentoOttawaCanada_zpsua8fgdwu.jpg

Do you remember the time cous’
We drove west
From Sandy Hill down Laurier Avenue
Up and over the Rideau Canal
Back in the late 60s
With your dad at the wheel
Of his bad ass big car
Us in the back seat
And how I got all excited about seeing
The parliament buildings in the distance

As an older savant
You smiled wisely at my reaction
But not to quell the passion of this poet
Neither of us knew had yet to be born
Said that if I lived here all the time
It wouldn’t have the same effect

Well happy to inform you cous’
After 40+ years it still does
Now this savant himself older
Has the privilege of advising you
There are memories such as this bridge
Between past and future
No amount of time will take away from us
And make both only richer in the process

 photo Parlimnhill2000byChrisSorrenti_zpsmt4jyzyc.jpg

© 2015
Photos © 2000 by author

1,130 hits as of July 2024


Author's Note: For my cousin, Sharon, who you could say I adopted as the big sister I never had.

Posted on 06/13/2015
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

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