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by Chris Sorrenti

From the safety / danger / challenges of their cages
With technology melted and chiseled from stone
The other monkeys open a window to his
So they can peer in
Confirm their own simian nature
The good / the bad / beautiful / and ugly
Of the jungle inhabited by them all

Twenty-four hours a day / seven days a week
He knows they’re watching / reading
His every action / reaction
Through the same technology
By the meter on the wall above his cage
But it does not bother him
Knowing instinctively through some higher intelligence
The way it’s suppose to be

© 2015

1,160 hits as of June 2024


Posted on 04/01/2015
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Nadia Gilbert Kent on 04/01/15 at 06:51 PM

Very much enjoyed this piece. I spent a lot of time in college doing primate focal follows data collection. There's a complacency that comes with knowing you're being watched over time, but even more interesting, I think, is the tendency to assume that goes one way when you're the watcher, and how that power alters otherwise natural interactions within species or between them.

Posted by Laura Doom on 04/04/15 at 08:06 PM

Intelligence as information/confirmation/affirmation. I guess higher is up for discussion :>) Interesting use of slashes/division operators.

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