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An Ode To Peter Roget

by Chris Sorrenti

Thank goodness for Peter Roget
A close friend I've yet to meet
In fact a 19th century doctor by trade
Who has no problem making house calls

Regardless the weather
Time of day
He's there in a flash
At the tip of my thumb
Doesn't charge a user's fee
And when I'm stuck on vocabulary
Begging for replacement
His prescription always does the trick

Now if you're a little confused
As to who and what I'm discussing
You needn't be perplexed
For next time
You’re doing some writing
Unhappy with a certain word
You've only to open his book of magic
And you'll be looking Dr. Roget
Straight in the Thesaurus

© 1992

1,110 hits as of June 2024


Author's Note: Another pre-Internet poem, the book/writing aid referred to made pretty well redundant in these days of Google search. I still have my hard copy, and refer to it occasionally when I’m too lazy to go on-line and dig up synonyms (words that have the same or similar meanings).

Posted on 02/21/2015
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Alison McKenzie on 02/21/15 at 05:58 PM

One of my bibles!

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 02/22/15 at 08:45 PM

Great way to pay tribute to Roget's Thesaurus. Creative.

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