Forlorn And Wild

by Philip F De Pinto

A poet may forsake his song
Or go along for the ride
And grieve
Remorse having a flip side
Is a Gemini by all accounts
The moon an only child
Forlorn and wild
A cloud mounts

Arrived the cool dawn
Would find a fool jackknifed
In the pools of your eyes

How utterly presumptive and unwise
And much to his thudding surprise
While wench held court with eve
Her emptying out the pools
In a fit of tears in attempts meager to quench
Insatiable cufflinks on her sleeve


Posted on 02/20/2015
Copyright © 2024 Philip F De Pinto

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 02/22/15 at 08:49 PM

Grand play with words. Lament worthy of a prince or princess if you recall "The Princes and the Pea".

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