As One Is Prone by Philip F De Pinto
as one is prone
to believe in god
you believed in me
a belief since waned
into a not so healthy agnosticism
which is likely to flesh out into a full blown atheism
as one is prone
to believe in one
not to whom make sacrifices
or thinks moves in mysterious ways
but in patterns all too easy to figure
visible and incarnate and gay
as the goose bumps on his flesh would attest
upon the good fortune of seeing
you parade in your lingerie
not one to boast onmipresence
I would be present only where it counts the most down on his knees begging contrition
with intercessors of Dyonisian fare and flowers and marzipan
as instigates a revival of a belief in one
which the poor sport Nietzche cannot declare mort
but ever the living and loving god in you
for as long as he can abide by your side
as catamaran was the plan not canoe
01/14/2015 Posted on 01/14/2015 Copyright © 2025 Philip F De Pinto