She Took Me by Philip F De Pinto
in my endearing recollections
she is still clutching my hand
pressing the palm of it like a car horn
as if she were caught up in traffic
and in a rush
given she was taken
to leading me here and there
and everywhere
but mostly she takes me
to the malt shop
and was it ever contrary to law
to bend his straw
to make the sucking more difficult
and was it ever thus that two
post sucking through straws
would drive a bit in the night
if only to digest the malt a little?
then head to his or her place of residence
for a sucking of a more endearing kind?
and was it ever thus
that we chose to head toward mine
which was merely a hop skip
and a jump from hers - needless to say
arrived Dawn - she rose like a kite
from my bed and given the high winds
of her departure I struggled to hold on to the string
although we agreed there would be no strings betwixt us
still I could not help but tie one on her during the night
not as an albatross but merely as a marker
a place of reverential reference
and now notions of her have no option
but to swim in my head
lest they drown like sharks
to the dregs of my jaw
where what was central in my mind would be forced
to sip through a straw
that she bent contrary to no man's law
Whatever for would she bend that straw?
but to make the sucking more difficult and endearing
and isn't it just like a palm honking woman
who was e'er in a rush to take me
here there and everywhere - even to the malt shop
to make it thus?
11/14/2014 Posted on 11/14/2014 Copyright © 2025 Philip F De Pinto
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by June Labyzon on 11/16/14 at 01:11 PM Sounds like a flash in the night betwixt too doomed lovers or lovers with different visions of the same dream. We can't hold on to kite strings forever. They get worn and as the wind takes the kite higher and higher unless we stand on our toes, and chairs, and mountains we cannot always hold on to the string. I love this. Mournful, and lovely as always. Next time use a flexible straw (they do sell those). |
Posted by Kris Mara on 11/18/14 at 12:39 AM You draw me from one the next craftily through this story...portrait of the moments most of us can't hold onto well enough to form such words...and by your words, a kite string's attached within your glad I got to read you tonight... |
Posted by Kris Mara on 11/18/14 at 12:42 AM Sounds amazing...thanks for sharing it with us through your (as always) wonderful words, Chris! |