Phoebus And Erebus

by Philip F De Pinto


The dark interlude in me

Had no clue

The heart albeit it was surrounded

By intention which was savage is no fort

Manned with scabbards at her loops

As it was made to believe

But the heart is a sieve

As will permit any notion of you

To filter through without passport

For you were no less than Phoebus

As her height

Tipping her pitcher

And peeing light

Down to my abyss


And what relief for you

What sating bliss for me

Your doing this?

For which I am the more soddened and richer

Your peering over the rim

And tipping your dewy pitcher

What relief what bliss

Your doing this?

Kissing me full in the lips

What relief what bliss

Those wet kisses in retrospect?

But they constituted warm meals to me

And oh how oft I would slither out of my abyss

Peer over the rim while you were lowing

And blowing kisses to others in the distance?

And steal kisses twixt meals

As many as the heart could conceive

No plot to turn into a manned fort

But remain a sieve

As will permit any notion of you

To filter through sans passport


In the interim that you are not at your height

I starve waiting for some reasonable facsimile of light

From galaxies infinitely more frigid and distant

To pitch and pee sweet mealy kisses down to my abyss

Brighten and sate my dark plume

Which they never do

In the interlude I freeze

And glean devil's food cake as my consort

A three course meal in fact

Which I consume dry post your dewy light

Filtering through

When you are not at your height

Lowing and blowing kisses

To others in the distance


Posted on 08/10/2014
Copyright © 2025 Philip F De Pinto

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by George Hoerner on 08/10/14 at 06:29 PM

Ah light and darkness, the two eternals each with its own personality and attraction from different souls. You always lay your soul out for all to see. Love it and you Philip. I never have been able to draw to far from Erebus as I wear blinders so I see limited light.

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