Of Malls Stripping

by Philip F De Pinto

for C.

where we stood
in the wood
on thin ice
and made nice
two swans now stand
on thinner
making nicer
for all have sinned
and to each unpardonable
push and shove
to glimpse us making love
then idle
all that then this hiatus
the world takes its last swig of hyssop
before turning into a Mojave of mime
lacking parlance and tree nary in sight
to enter stage
left or right or center
for that blight
Tiger Tiger
nowhere to turn
to burn burn in the forest
of malls stripping
hear yea or not hear yea
the forests of the night will be reconstituted
from a broken limb
such as an abacus and all its trigonometry
cannot reconstitute or tabulate such illumination
as is leopard love
as cannot alter its hot spots
or blind
nor push or shove
or in idle put
all that then this
where we stood
in the wood
making nice
on thin ice
two swans stand
on thinner
and make nicer
for all have sinned
and shall
in that venial tradition continue
adding infinitesimal unto their nondescript
from womb to crypt
and back
aplomb with infinity
which had not made up
its mind to be
or knot
our soliloqui had its start
out of our mouth
a butterfly flew
then in
for butterfly
that is no returning prodigal
merely an alteration
in the heart


Posted on 07/13/2014
Copyright © 2025 Philip F De Pinto

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by A. Paige White on 07/13/14 at 05:12 PM

Yea this just continues to weird me out even more. More entertaining than some of the recent series I've been watching. I have to admit to disappointment that no mention was made whether the swans were white or black and they lack gold (or even silver) chains around their necks. Fascinating and led to fascinating outside reading. Thanx. ;-}

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 07/17/14 at 03:59 PM

The endless cycle of life in associative phrasing. You are a master in writing this form. (Thank God He provided for dealing with sin in Christ Jesus.)

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