Answering Your Needs

by Steven Craig

Ever notice, at least in school, that all though the history of human development, most of it was face to face, next door to next door, hut to hut, tree to tree, cave to cave, tent to tent, fire to fire...

People developed and grew being, well, people. And most everyone knew everyone else, really knew them. It was hard to be or say something out of the ordinary that did not cause all the neighbors to notice, or cast you out into the lions and tigers or even pick up stones and start tossing them your way.

That was the development of what is loosely termed society, neighborhoods, classes. And we talked, used real voices, words, body language, little gifts of work to show meaning and feelings, our focus and our truths.

Those truths became laws, acceptable boundaries, positions to obtain, often with known or given considerations that were valuable ... understanding, recognizing another's worth, their value to the group, their needs to be understood, their needs for affection, their needs for feeling accepted.

Eventually, there came the sailing ship and the long distance post, the telegraph and telephone, satellite communications and most recently computers with keyboards and mice and screens, and with each step, the human part of the communications was removed, the value system diminished, the value and judgment of another reduced from those others around us we already knew and trusted to the typed word there on that screen with no background, no knowledge, no recommendation, no answer to you needs.

In those long ago days before education and development of science, we still needed. As a species, we need security most of all, a feeling, an emotion that we have a place, have a purpose, have something to do, something to hope for, something to be emotional about. Most things early on were not understood, and thus to explain uncertainty we developed mythology, religion, fears... in essence, we made explanations up as we went along, and only rarely stopped to correct them as we understood the world and ourselves better.

As in that now over used expression of the perfect storm, the human need to be wanted, to be used, to be of service, and the anonymous communication allowed by electronic communications bring us full circle to a crude beginning of a different form of inter-personal communication where once more we feel it perfectly acceptable to make things up as we go along because there is no one else who is watching, judging, being the single point of knowledge and authority that calls out the lair, the faker, the poser, the empty emotional soul that types this word or pastes that picture.

Still, as individuals, most of us still need, and need even more intensely now that there are so many more beaconing flags of possibilities unconstrained with in this case the internet, and with so much more allowed in the form of misleading communications and understanding.

Our truths are being stretched and broken by the liar, our trusts in others ravaged by scammers, out needs given to empty charms of the sirens song in a storm of blackened humor that the internet allows to run rampant.

Thus, you are here, like we are, and for that matter, so many others that remain optimistic, that someplace in the electronic space, as we thumb along the internet highway, we will indeed be found by someone with a heart and soul that is not that of a predator or a personality so petite, but someone with the will to be who they really are, who they have always been, and will always be with you.

Someone that will answer your needs.


Posted on 04/29/2014
Copyright © 2024 Steven Craig

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 05/01/14 at 02:53 PM

I am totally in tune with this ode. Long vanished are the days when we could face to face, heart to heart call upon a friend, upon which we could rely and share real honest to goodness moments and feelings and not become, as we have, reliant upon some electronic contraption. Progress, if this is what we are purportedly doing is no replacement for what we really need, which is something real and not contrived.

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