The Experts And Those Which Are Not by Philip F De Pinto
what's an expert?
one who is an expert
is the short answer.
who said that?
I did.
and who are you?
you'll soon find out.
okay - stranger!
you gave me the short answer
and what's the long?
how the fuck should I know.
I ain't no expert
on knowing what the long answer is.
all I know is
that an expert is
the direct opposite
of what I am.
and what are you?
oh. I'm just a rank amateur
a complete novice is what I am.
no shit?
yeah. no shit!
if I may ask
what's a rank amateur
or a complete novice?
how the fuck should I know?
why don't you go ask an expert?
I am an expert.
you are?
yes I am.
can't you tell?
so if you are an expert
why in tarnation are you asking me
what an expert is?
or a rank amateur and complete novice?
when you knew it all along?
cause that's what an expert does.
don't you know that? that it falls
in the area of his expertise
to ask a rank amateur and complete novice
what an expert is - perchance they encounter one another.
and because we have perchance encountered one another
I ask you again - just to get it straight.
what's an expert?
and I tell you again.
the short answer is that an expert is an expert.
and what's the long?
how the fuck should I know
what the long answer is?
it doesn't fall within my ken
to know what the long answer is. only the short.
after all - I'm a rank amateur and complete novice.
and so why the fuck am I asking you
you fucking rank amateur and complete novice
what I am? cause I am what I am
and it falls within your ken
to ask rank amateurs and complete novices like me
what you are?
it does?
why should an expert like myself
waste his time asking a fucking rank amateur
and complete novice like yourself
just what I am?
cause it falls within your ken to ask.
falls within my what to ask?
within your ken.
what the fuck is ken?
how the fuck should I know
you're the expert.
you tell me!
okay expert!
why don't you fell me what ken is?
oh! so you think an expert a perfect dunce
that he should offer up such information
for free?
pay me my expertise fee
and then I'll tell you
what ken is.
oh! so that's the way it is you fucking expert!
yeah! that is the way it is - you fucking dunce!
and so I guess I'll never know
what ken is?
no I suppose you wont.
unless you can cough up the fee -
you never will
never will.
well - expert!
it was nice encountering you.
well - novice!
I can't say I feel the same.
for what is the gain in encountering
a rank amateur and complete novice like yourself
if I can't gain from the encounter.
fatten my big fat coffers so to speak?
well - expert!
perhaps you will figure that one out?
perhaps I will.
perhaps I will.
in the meantime expert.
why don't you chill?
why don't you chill?
I would but I can't.
you can't?
I didn't know that?
why should you know that?
you ain't no expert.
no I am not.
no you are not!
that is why you can't charge a fee
and I can.
and so until we meet again expert.
yeah - until we meet again you rank amateur.
maybe next time we meet
you'll have the fee
and then you'll know what ken is?
perhaps I will?
perhaps I won't?
but if perchance I don't
I suppose I'll never know?
but is it that important to know - amateur?
how the fuck should I know - expert
why it is important to know?
after all
you are the expert and I am not.
that is why you can charge a fee and I can't?
no you can't!
no you can't
and don't you forget it!
I wont.
you'd better not!
why hadn't I better?
bring me your fee and I'll tell you why you hadn't better.
but I don't have a fee.
perhaps next time you will.
perhaps next time I will.
then I'll know what experts know.
at least know what they know in part.
and who knows
if I have sufficient fee
I can know all that an expert knows?
even the long answer as to why they are experts.
and then I can start charging rank amateurs
and complete novices like myself a fee.
which is the whole point of expertise.
after all - why would you want to be an expert at something
if you can't charge a fee accordingly.
and what is the point of being a rank amateur
and complete novice if you can't keep the experts in clover?
this story is over.
I'm afraid.
why are you afraid - poet?
or so called poet?
that this story is over?
whoever is posing me this question.
whether yea be expert or rank amateur.
know - it falls not within the ken of a poet
or supposed poet to know why a story is over?
why any story of his
should have arrived at its ebb.
but it has.
it has.
and in such case as any story has arrived at its ebb.
what remains to do but to stamp it
04/21/2014 Posted on 04/21/2014 Copyright © 2025 Philip F De Pinto