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Plot B Section 21 Grave 3 (or 4?)

by Johnny Crimson

Freckles sprinkled
atop her grave
I stand and wait
for the savior's aid.

The battle axe
cuts through air
as unicorn bone
and ligaments tear

and when breached,
we looked inside,
your casket felt
like a place to hide

from all deceivers
and gods alike,
I melted down
like an oblong knife,

and cooled to form
a protective shield
to keep you from
ever having to feel.

They closed it,
the casket,
and there we rest,

168lbs of steel
your chest.

Then your eyes moved
and you saw me there
I noticed something
behind your stare,

this isn't her,
that isn't you,
I'm in the wrong box,
this is not your tomb.


Posted on 03/12/2014
Copyright © 2024 Johnny Crimson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Clara Mae Gregory on 03/12/14 at 01:29 PM

*stellar* [I really like this.It has a blended "feel" to it; like a Johnny Crimson/Alice in Wonderland/Talking Heads fusion....lol]

Posted by George Hoerner on 03/12/14 at 02:01 PM

I should have caught the ending at the beginning but I didn't, well done!

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 03/12/14 at 09:28 PM

Good dark humor piece. Well titled. :)

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 03/13/14 at 02:53 PM

I agree with Chris, dark humor. What keen imagination!

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