Him by Matt ForgetThe position I stand
Given to me by sight, sounds, thoughts
The point at which I shall not turn
I shall not tear
I shall not miss
To which he neither stands before me nor behind
In the shadows of the thoughts
Anchoring within my mind
Soaring through the electric currents
Shocking the hope that love
Forever feeling
Shall not be
For he
Whom will be grateful to those around him
Has now come to realize
He is I
And we will get through it all together
Now that I am who I always wanted him to be. 09/30/2013 Author's Note: It takes some time to find yourself in the midst of the world out there. To judge and be judged. To hurt inside and to believe that love is never out there. It is always there. The power is within. Love yourself. THAT love is the most important.
Posted on 09/30/2013 Copyright © 2025 Matt Forget