There Is A Mother Up Ahead by Philip F De Pinto
Rocking her baby
Or she may be just a nanny earning her wages
It's been eons since I've earned wages
Or been rocked by mother of any kind
Or nanny just doing her job
There is a father at my rear shocking himself
In his new found cradle
Or he may be no one's father not even mine
It's been ages since I've been at anyone's rear
Shocking myself in a new found cradle
Or been anyone's father not even yours
You'd be shocked if I were
And even more shocked were you to discern
You were that baby rocked by the mother up ahead
Or by a nanny doing her job
Which means I could never be your father
As I could never afford your mother's
Penchant for hiring nannies given I am no wage earner
Meaning any baby of mine would have to be rocked for free
And not for a fee
Which is the only way to rock a baby
Out of love not salary
09/26/2013 Posted on 09/26/2013 Copyright © 2025 Philip F De Pinto
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by June Labyzon on 10/09/13 at 03:11 AM Which is what I do on a daily basis. There is much to this poem, hidden between the lines of rocking and fathers and mothers and nannies....wishtfully wishing I suspect that you were the child and the nannie be free and still there. |